Good Morning Men,

It is July 1st, and with that we’ll be studying a new book. This month, I’ll be exploring one of my favorite works, “Wild at Heart”, by John Eldredge. This was one of the first books I read when beginning my intentional discovery and development into a better man.

As Eldredge explains in his book, modern man is domesticated and in ways neutered in comparison to the wild nature which lives within us. Of course, there are practical uses to modern society’s domestication of man, however, we’ve sacrificed too much of our own hearts, our souls for this trade in usefulness.
Eldredge calls for us to tap into the wildness which exists in all us; to fight, to compete, to seek adventure, to be honorable, to save the maiden, to be the men we wished to be as little boys. We no longer live in medieval times, riding horseback and dueling, but there is still opportunity to seek out the wild nature which is in each of us.
For myself, some of my favorite “wild” hobbies are: hunting, firearms, fishing, hiking, kayaking, boating, lifting heavy weights, and practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. These activities tap into my inner wild nature and make me feel more alive.
How about you?

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